Purchasing Power Resources
Product Information
Employer Executive Overview
For employers who want to stay competitive in benefit offerings, Purchasing Power is the premier purchase program that makes it possible for you to provide your employees with an easy, responsible way through payroll deduction to acquire name-brand products, from computers to home appliances to electronics.
Product Overview
Our premier purchase program has a wide selection of consumer electronics, featuring top-tier brands and products like cameras, home entertainment, gaming, MP3 players, televisions and much more! Some of our leading manufacturers include Sharp, Sony, and Panasonic.
The New Benefits Landscape Part 1
As organizations steered their way through the economic downturn, they had a laser-like focus on cost reduction and cost management. According to a recent Deloitte survey, companies continue to place a strong focus on costs, making it their No. 1 challenge by a significant margin.
How to Use Employee Purchase Programs to Help Employees Restore Financial Stability Part 2
There are encouraging signs that the U.S. economy is starting to stage a legitimate recovery after the Great Recession. Gross Domestic Product continues to grow, consumer spending has increased slightly, and home sales have picked back up.1 It’s still tough for consumers though.
Using Employee Purchase Program Benefits to Recruit, Retain and Rejuvenate
Part 3
The Great Recession forced Human Resource professionals to strike a balance between controlling costs and maintaining healthy employee benefits packages. As the economy continues to recover from the recession, many employers still find themselves caught in that same balancing act, but now face the additional challenge of recruiting and retaining top talent.
Real-World Thinking: Using Voluntary Benefits Today to Address Employees Lifestyle and Financial Needs for Tomorrow
Attracting and retaining talented employees is always a challenge for employers. But in light of recent economic upheavals, it’s proved to be an even tougher task and one that weighs heavily on HR professionals’ minds. Recent studies show that retaining key talent as the economy recovers is one of the top three biggest HR challenges organizations face today.
If you have any questions on these new services and resources that we are providing our Sage HRMS customers,
please Contact Us or Call 866-885-7212.